I Digital Marketing SEO 

Digital Marketing To Drive Growth For Your Business

Picture of JP Cozby

JP Cozby

Digital marketing is an amazing way to use targeting with your ideal customers. Just imagine–your ads will only be served to those who are already interested or have a large bias to be interested in what you are selling.

Digital Marketing 101 - What Is It?

Digital marketing encompasses all the marketing tactics used to engage prospects in the digital medium. This includes content that ranks organically on search engines, paid advertising on search engines, ads placed on other websites, social media promotion (both organic and paid), and email marketing – known also as marketing automation. Let’s not forget reputation management.

Each tactic serves a different purpose. 

The basics are that we take a prospect through the different phases of decision-making (buyer’s journey) by positioning the product or service. The “buyer’s journey” begins with unawareness. After unawareness comes awareness and then intrigue. Intrigue is when the product or service tickles the “why” of the buyer. This intrigue leads to education where connection, credibility, and evaluation are happening. Assuming things progress, after the education phase comes adoption and finally followed by retention. 

Although this seems to be a clean journey it is a bit more complicated than this in the real world which is why an omnichannel marketing approach is recommended.

Each Major Digital Tactic With Application


Search Engine Optimization is the technique where website content ranks so that people can find it without paid advertising. To rank well, Google requires a few things that amount to authority and relevance for the content provided. By following best practices Tilladelse satisfies what Google is evaluating to rank content. 

SEO is great to meet demand and later in the marketing cycle after awareness and intrigue are established.


Pay Per Click refers generally to paid ads on search engines such as Google. This is effective when trying to rank for highly competitive terms. This can be a very efficient and effective approach especially when geography doesn’t come into play. PPC is great to meet demand and later in the marketing cycle after awareness and intrigue are established when search terms are too difficult to rank for organically at a reasonable cost.


Social marketing can be organic or paid and generally refers to advertising on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or Spotify. There are other media channels for consideration at times. Organic advertising can be owned by the business or through ambassadors that mention the products or service to their following. Paid advertising is typically paid for an impression basis and can be very targeted based on lifestyle or influencers.

Social marketing is an effective way to create awareness and craft demand. It can also be used to continue to reinforce the story of the product or service during the education phase. The cost of social marketing is typically quite a bit less per thousand to drive awareness.

Email Marketing

Email marketing or marketing automation is great to nurture other marketing efforts. This email marketing can be highly personalized based on website visits and other media engagement.

Often used to maintain retention it can also be a very effective way to communicate more complex propositions. Leveraging email marketing to re-engage lapsed customers is a very common utilization. 

Reputation Management

Tilladelse recognizes how critical reputation is to business growth. We partner with a reputation platform that has dedicated resources to receive and respond (or automate) to reputation requests from Google, Facebook, and other relevant platforms through a single dashboard. 

You will have the ability to solicit reviews via email and SMS or both with direct posting to most social platforms including Facebook and Google. Integration to most CRMs for automated solicitation is possible as well.

OTT or Over The Top Programming

OTT or streaming videos is a great way to build brand awareness while still using targeting on seemingly traditional media. I’m referring to TV ads, but not just any TV ads. OTT allows targeted ads on streaming services like Hulu where the marketer can pair intelligence into the targeting to make sure the right audience is receiving the advertising. This tactic can be enhanced by laying out other tactics and targeting specific homes based on their IP address.

Instead of just blasting your offer to an unqualified audience and hoping for the best you can craft intrigue with your ideal customer.

Why Digital Marketing is So Effective

Digital marketing is an amazing way to use targeting when your ideal customers. Just imagine that your ads will only be served to those who are already interested to have a large bias to be interested in what you are selling. Instead of just blasting your offer to an unqualified audience and hoping for the best you can craft intrigue with your ideal customer. Be found when they search Google and meet the demand in the moment your product or service is top-of-mind.

Why Tilladelse Does Digital Marketing So Well

We look at your website and digital advertising as an extension of each other. Imagine your website is the centerpiece where all customers end up. By approaching your marketing plan with all media in mind it becomes clear how to engage and what work each element of your digital marketing is there to do and what the next steps look like.

Our Partnerships

We not only understand how to build an integrated digital marketing plan with the right website, but we also partner with the largest digital agency in the country. They extend the latest technologies to ensure our customers get the best and most relevant tactics available. 

From cross-media optimization, where AI utilizes one budget across multiple mediums including social and search based on real-time results, to the latest data trends by industry verticals, we have access to get the results you are looking for.

Tilladelse also partners with reputation.com for premier reputation management.

We never take a templated approach to ensure you stand out. Again, every engagement with your customer is precious and we want you to capitalize.

How Our Partnership Will Translate Into Growth For You

Our job is to get you results. The best way to get the result your business is looking for is putting yourself in the customer’s shoes and them giving them what they want. Ads that are relevant on a channel they frequent that lead to a site that looks professional and is easy to navigate followed by great retargeted ads to re-engage keeping your business top-of-mind throught he decision making process. In short our strategies will get you qualified leads which is what you want, right?

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